Sunday, February 3, 2008

Organizations and Networks

When I opened the website for diabetes research it looked very professional and legitimate, the website was sponsored by the Diabetes Research Institute. The website is very organized with a set of tabs with the main topics of the website, and a search engine which I used to find my topic. I found quite a bit of information on the topic of cell regeneration and stem cell research. The website mainly highlights the benefits of cell regeneration, but does not outline many of the other types of cell regeneration.

The website for the society for Neuroscience did not appear as visually pleasing as the other websites in terms of its layout and template, however it did have the same basic organization. The website had a search engine for both the website and Google, and had tabs at the top of the website with main topics. When I searched cell regeneration, I found a few articles about specific experiments of hair cell regeneration and spinal repair, which seemed to be helpful. Overall the site is seems to be reliable despite is lack of visual pleasure.

Commercial Sites

Science Daily did not seem as legitimate as the other websites when I first opened it because of the cheap advertisements at the top of the website, however when I started searching for my topic I found quite a bit of information. The website was not very organized, but since it had a search engine I used that to find my information. The information sited professor and scientists who did experiments with cellular regeneration, which convinced me of the legitimacy of the website. In the end I was impressed with science daily.

When I opened the website for Gate 2 Biotech, I immediately noticed that it was a science website from Czechoslovakia. This led me to be skeptical about the information provided on the website, however I continued searching for my topic on the website. I found that the website was very easy to use, because of the search engine and the main topic tabs on the side of the website. The visual layout of the website is very pleasing as well. I found quite a few articles on my topic and I was comforted to see that the information was cited from other notable sources that I would trust.

Education Sites

When I first opened the website for the University of Washington, I was pleased by the looks of the page. The website had tabs at the top of the website to navigate through different topics and had a search engine which helped me find my topic easier. The website shows its credibility by noting the professors and scientists who are making the findings in the information provided. The only thing that I did not find impressive with the website was that the information was all very general and was not very extensive. This website is good for gaining a general overview of cellular regeneration but for a thorough researcher it will not suffice.

The Harvard science and engineering website was very impressive when I first opened it, it immediately appealed to me visually. The website had tabs at the top to help viewers navigate through the various subjects, and also had a useful search engine which I used to find my topic. Once I searched my topic it gave me a list of articles that were relevant to my topics. I found this website very easy to use, and it is the first website that has provided in depth information on my topic.

Governmental Websites

I found that Medline Plus, is a very easy website to use and receiving information on common diseases and main stream health topics was easy. However Medline Plus did not provide any information on the possibilities of cellular regeneration, I'm guessing because it is a governmental site and the topic is quite controversial. On the whole Medline Plus seems to be a very well researched and backed website, therefore I will bookmark it for when I want to find an answer to a health question.

As soon as I open up the website page for I could immediately tell that it was less organized and easy to use compared to Medline Plus. The website itself does not even appear to be professional, and there is no search engine to help viewers look for specific topics. Once I spent a few minutes looking at the website I could navigate my way through the website, but not with as much ease as I would have liked. This website did not have any information on human and cellular regeneration, actually now that I think of it, it may have but since the website was so unorganized I simply couldn't find it. I probably will not return to if I want to continue my research on health care and cellular regeneration.

Ted Talk

I watched the TED talk on regeneration of the human bodies. The talk was very enlightening and opened my eyes to many possibilities that I never even imagined were possible. The speaker Alan Russel showed pictures and studies of regeneration that have taken place that are quite amazing. Above is a picture of a newt regenerating a limb. Alan Russel explained how if newts could regenerate limbs then the possibility of humans doing it was not very far-fetched. The video for human regeneration is the first video when you search for "Health Care" on

Wednesday, January 23, 2008